
                                                               That’s Bull%$7&

Though many places have strange laws that seem to make absolutely no sense, the city of Chicago seems to have several that are ridiculous.  For example, there is an old law that states that kites may not be flown within the Chicago city limits.  There is also another law that requires every Chicago resident to display a Residential Vehicle Sticker in the front and back windshields of his or her car; the sticker expires on June 30th every year and if not replaced within 30 days of the expiration date, the resident (driver) will be fined in tickets costing as much as 200 dollars!  However, as absurd as the above laws are, this one is a real stunner: Chicago (and the state of Illinois in general) has very strict regulations on the use of fireworks and where and how they are sold. (425 ILCS 30/) Fireworks Regulation Act of Illinois basically states that the general public is only allowed access to fireworks that contain little to no explosive material, such as party poppers, smoke bombs, and sparklers; anything other than the likeness of such items, is considered illegal.  Firework plants and manufacturers that sell explosive products are virtually “illegal” within the city limits as well.  So those bright, colorful, beautiful fireworks that are used on momentous events, such as the start and end of summer and the 4th of July, which almost everyone has grown to love and expect?  The citizens of Illinois have not been able to experience such fireworks legally in quite a while.  Emphasis on the legally part.  Probably on account of the absurdity of the law, many citizens ignore it.  In fact, many use fireworks throughout the year, regardless of whether it is a nationally recognized holiday: the pop them around Christmas; they use them on New Year’s Eve and throughout the day on New Year’s Day; they pop them on the first day of summer; they use them when they’re happy, when they’re sad, when they’re cooking, etc. etc. – I think you get the point.  Also, because the firework plants are not really allowed within the city limits, many people go as far as Indiana to buy the illegal items. Though the law is probably in place to protect people from blowing their faces off, I think the law should be appealed and replaced with another – one a little less ridiculous; a law that would require those who want to use explosive products, to take and pass a test administered by the city previous to the use of said products, in order to legally use them.  The test would come after a one-time class that would instruct one on how to properly use fireworks that contain explosive material.  Also, the use of fireworks would be restricted to certain holidays; personal events would require special permission from local police departments.  Though people do it anyway and the new law may sound extensive, at least citizens would no longer have to run in the house after hearing police sirens shortly after they’ve used their fireworks; it would certainly be something for the city of Chicago to consider.

525 words

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