

            Jebadiah worked at the factory down the road from home.  Don’t know if one could call what he did work.  Jebadiah could never stay awake at work.  His boss was always very angry with him and often told ole’ Jeb, “Keep it up and you’ll lose it!”  Such threats did not bother Jeb.  He was very careless and took pride in the numerous times his boss failed to catch him in a slumbering state.  His work ethic was very poor and the factory output suffered.  This made his boss angrier and he continued to ferociously threaten Jeb.  But Jebadiah didn’t care.  He began to take more siestas at work and his co-workers were starting to get angry as well.  Some threatened him, saying, “You’ll lose it, Jeb!”  He didn’t care; he continued to catnap.  One day, he fell asleep out in the open.  This time when he awoke, he was tied to a pole in the middle of the factory, where everyone could see him.  He was in severe pain and could feel something hot dripping down his face. He heard his boss say, “He’ll never sleep on the job again!”  Jebadiah caught his reflection in a nearby machine and was horrified at the sight: his eyelids had been haphazardly cut off and blood was pouring from his new wounds.  Did you think “it” was his job he’d lose? If so, then the moral here could be don’t assume.  But the moral here is simply don’t sleep on the job.

250 words